Thursday, September 24, 2015

#2 - There Goes the Neighborhood

          I was sitting in my jail cell on day 30. I stared at my cellmate snoring away. I guess there wasn't anything better to do. Then suddenly an alarm blared and our cell door opened. Two men were thrown in. Great, fresh meat. I thought. My cell mate was woken by the alarm and was dazed.
          When the men caught their breath, they started to take in their surroundings. They looked around the small room, glanced at me and then at my cell mate. (Who was still blinking after being startled awake.) Both men stand up and looked at each other, then walked toward us. Then suddenly something hit me. It hit me so fast, I didn't know where it came from or what it was.. Then another, and another, until all that was left of me were bones... That's how bad I looked. My cell mate wasn't faring to well either. What were these guys made of? I've never met anyone like them. Who do they think they are, barging in on our privacy? We were the leaders of gang here at this prison complex. Now it's all ruined, and worse yet... I look terrible.

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